Today marks that I'm 2 months old already. My mummy has been taking good care of me, feeding me and giving me baths. I look forward every morning for my splish splash session. After which I will take my nap and then later get up to play for a little bit and back to sleep again. Although, I get fussy during the evenings mummy and daddy patiently talks and rocks me. I think I may be suffering from colic.
Just 2 days back mummy and daddy took me to see the doc for my inoculations. I was such as good girl and I didn't make any fuss. I was such a brave girl. Doc says I''m growing bigger and stronger since my last visit. I'm now 57 cm long and weighs 4.3kg. Thanks to mummy eating lots and lots of cheese I've been growing quite a bit.
These are some pics of me with my new hair band do :) Mummy like dressing me up.
this little baby isabel is the cutest thing!! totally want to squeeze her!! omg so smiley and cute!!!
love it!
Wow! Baby Isabel's vocabulary is powderfool! Hehe... Cute gurl...
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