Isabel able to climb on her chair and understand the word "Bu Ke Yi" = means No No No. Cute that she's able to move her hands with it :P
Isabel at Gymboree crawling in the tunnel. She's so brave! Not scared at all.
This is Isabel naked playing with her toys :P
This is Isabel eating apple on her own for the first time. Full concentration, afraid she might choke. Yummy yummy right! Btw, she just had a banana before this.
Isabel able to cruise on furniture and on walls. She loves to talk a lot too. Mostly screaming
Isabel playing ball with Daddy, very excited cause daddy came home early and play with her.
This is Isabel playing with Chime. (Victoria is the babysitter)
Isabel dancing to the music "Jai Ho". Can shake and dance to the music - check out her legs. This was taken like a month back. She also likes to dance to Lady Gaga's music - Just Dance and Poker Face :)